
How to set up LNbits on Start9 and open your first payment channel

How to set up LNbits on Start9 and open your first payment channel

In this article, I will guide you step-by-step on how to set up LNbits on Start9 and open your first payment channel. LNbits is a powerful and versatile platform that facilitates the management of accounts and payments on the Lightning Network. This tutorial is aimed at beginners and will cover everything you need to know to get started. What is LNbits and what is it used for? LNbits is an account and payment management tool…

How to connect Sparrow Wallet to your Bitcoin node on Tails

How to connect Sparrow Wallet to your Bitcoin node on Tails

Privacy and security in managing Bitcoin is a priority for many users. Combining Sparrow Wallet with Tails offers a robust solution for those seeking to maximize control over their transactions and funds. This article provides a detailed, step-by-step guide to connecting Sparrow Wallet to your Bitcoin node using Tails, emphasizing the importance of security and anonymity in the process. Preparing Tails Before installing Sparrow Wallet, it’s crucial to prepare Tails to ensure a secure foundation:…

Installing Sparrow Wallet on TailsOS persistently

Installing Sparrow Wallet on TailsOS persistently

Recently, I’ve had the chance to experiment with TailsOS and Sparrow Wallet. Essential pieces for any Bitcoiner. TailsOS? What on earth is that magic? TailsOS, short for “The Amnesic Incognito Live System,” is a Linux-based operating system designed to preserve users’ privacy and anonymity. It runs from a USB drive or DVD and aims to provide a secure and anonymous environment for online activities. TailsOS includes encryption and anonymity tools like Tor, which routes traffic…

SATOFFEE⚡️ Lightning Coffee

SATOFFEE⚡️ Lightning Coffee

Satoffee⚡️ (Satoshi + coffee) is the name of this project that consists of a home coffee maker activated by payments made with Bitcoin using the Lightning Network. Can anything be cooler than this? In broad terms, what I have done is a small hack to the coffee maker to disable the only button it has, which is the coffee serving button. That button is then enabled with the help of a relay controlled by a…